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Harnessing the Power of Merchandising

by | Sep 1, 2021 | 0 comments

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Are you able to harness the power of merchandising to increase product visibility, guide shoppers and support business strategy?

By utilising a comprehensive suite of merchandising features that work in tandem with one another, retailers are able to create and manage powerful campaigns via a user friendly backend.

The thousands of retailers partnered with Findologic are able to implement promtions across their website to support campaigns, for example placing banners for relevant search terms in the autocomplete or other pages throughout navigation and benefit from full exposure throughout the customer journey.

Through product placements retailers are able to link specific products to specific search queries, guaranteeing prime position for particular products if a user submits a related query.

Meanwhile, product pushing allows online stores to take control of their results listings and augment product hierarchies to present shoppers with valuable recommendations, or prioritise product groups in line with business goals.

By personalising search-concepts in your shop for specific search terms, defined rules are able to guide users to meaningful results faster. An example of this would be special filter suggestions for particular queries.

Findologic’s campaign manager provides retailers with a holistic view of all their activities, allowing for simple and effective planning, implementation and monitoring throughout the lifecycle of a campaign. This is alongside simple KPI tracking via 360 degree analytics that allow Findologic users to measure success and derive insights.

There is so much scope for retailers to make their lives easier, increase conversion and better control their front-end through merchandising capabilities. To learn more about supercharging your online store, book a complimentary website audit with us.

Rachel King

Rachel is a Content Marketing Specialist, creating insightful materials on all things eCommerce, tech and Findologic that drive growth and awareness. Rachel has a wide understanding of the tech space, before joining Findologic, she produced content for global FinTech publications as well as working closely with industry leaders for a range of marketing initiatives.

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