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Video Dev News // November 2021

by | Nov 24, 2021 | 0 comments

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Findologic Video Dev News // November 2021

Findologic’s latest development update of 2021 sees Principal Engineer, Georg Sort explain the latest innovations to our platform. Our development team are continually improving our technologies to ensure that Findologic clients have access to the best solutions on the market. 

Our most recent developments include:

Assisted Suggest API: You can find the API specification at

Data Sync: Another big topic for us recently was to improve the quality of self service around our data sync mechanism, that is the periodic or manual update of your product data at Findologic.

Import Log List: The list of data sync jobs can now be sorted and filtered with just a few clicks, for example to only see jobs that failed. Similarly filters can be applied to the date or the trigger, so whether this was a scheduled or manual data sync.

Log Archive: The import logs are now available for up to the last 30 days. Again, it’s easy to sort and filter the log lines, for example to see warnings or errors only.

Import Schedule: Another exciting feature that is currently being rolled out is a self-service configurable data sync schedule. This allows you to configure the timing and interval of the periodic data sync, whether this should happen every hour, three times a day, just once per night or whatever else might work for you. Note that the minimum interval depends on your plan. The schedule is configured based on Cron Expressions that provide maximum flexibility to fit your needs, and it also comes with a nice preview to validate the configuration.

Import Failed Notifications: Another feature that will help with your internal processes is the option to configure contacts that will be notified when the periodic data sync fails. They will receive a mail with actionable errors and helpful hints on how to solve those


Georg Sorst is CTO at FINDOLOGIC GmbH and was the first permanent employee of the company. He helped build both the team and the product from scratch. He gained his IT industry expertise and experience over many years with companies such as IBM as well as various start-ups. As a frequent guest and lecturer at conferences and events he ensures he remains technically up-to-date.  Georg is also a member of the Gesellschaft für Informatik.  What fascinates him about Findologic is the constant challenges posed by the e-commerce market, in particular search technologies with their rapid developments and trends.

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